Violin and Viola
"...considerable interpretive moxie, backed with a solid technique and a rich tone, a combination of qualities that both players demonstrated amply."
"The Lehmanns captured its spirit with a perfect balance of grittiness and tragedy."
Allan Kozinn
Portland Press Herald
about us
Performing duo programs all over Maine, Mexico, and Europe, the Lehmanns started their duo partnership long before they married, and even busked on the streets for extra spending money. Over the years they have added to their repertoire and enjoy creating programs that balance established violin/viola duos with new works and creative arrangements of everything from Bach's two-part inventions to tangos.
Past Performances
Bay Chamber Concerts, Rockport, ME
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
with Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar and Rebecca Hartka, cello
University of Southern Maine, Gorham, Maine
Monday, November 6, 2023
with Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar and Rebecca Hartka, cello
Ellsworth Community Music Institute, Ellsworth, Maine
Friday, November 3, 2023
with Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar and Rebecca Hartka, cello
Assisi Performing Arts, Assisi, Italy
July 2022
Duo Recital
Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, ME
with pianist Martin Perry
Faculty Recital Series
University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME
with pianist Martin Perry
F13 Private House Concerts, Mainz, Germany
Einigkeit 4, Polenz, Germany
Duo recital
Upcoming Performances
University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 12:00pm
Master class and chamber music concert
Camerata Medica Wien, Vienna Austria
March/April 2024
Artists in Residence
University of California Davis
Thursday, February 1, 2024 12:00pm
Duo recital
F13 Concert, Mainz, Germany
Sunday, April 21, 2024 2:00pm
Duo recital
Sebastianskapelle Baden, Baden, Switzerland
Sunday, April 28, 2024 5:00pm
Chamber music concert with Benjamin Scheck, guitar and Ulrike vom Hagen, cello
Haggin Museum, Stockton, CA
Thursday, February 1, 2024 7:00pm
Duo recital
O'Connor Woods Retirement Community
Friday, February 2, 2024 1:00pm
Duo Recital
Bach Two Part Inventions (arr. vln/vla)
Bruch Double Concerto
Brustad Capricci
Fuchs Duette
Gal Divertimento
Gardel Por Una Cabeza
Halvorsen Passacaglia
Kreuz Duo No. 1
Martinu Madrigals
Mendelssohn Trio in c Minor
Milhaud Sonatine
Mozart Duos
Rolla Duo Concertante, Op. 5
Schubert Der Erlkönig (arr. vln/vla)
Shostakovich Duets (arr. vln/vla)
Villoldo El Choclo
and many more!
Kimberly Lehmann, originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, received her Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from the University of Minnesota and her Master of Music in Violin Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music. Her principal teachers were Lea Foli, Harold Wippler, Catherine Tait and Camilla Wicks.
Some years ago, after receiving a beautiful viola that belonged to her husband's grandmother, Kim fell in love with the viola and gradually grew to prefer the deep, mellow sound and the wonderful chamber music writing for the instrument.
She is a member of the Portland Symphony Orchestra and on the faculty of the Portland Conservatory and the University of Southern Maine. Kim has been a member of the South Dakota Symphony, the Colorado Springs Symphony and the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. She has performed with the Eastman Philharmonia in residence at the Heidelberg Schlossfestspiele, at the National Orchestral Institute, and with the Boston Academy of Music. She regularly performs with Opera Maine, Choral Art Society, Oratorio Chorale, Portland Ballet, the Boston Modern Orchestra Project and Odyssey Opera. She has appeared as guest violist with the DaPonte String Quartet and collaborates often with Venticordi. Kim and her husband Robert are the Lehmann Duo. They perform all over Maine and in Europe.
Ms. Lehmann teaches Suzuki and traditional violin. She has coached violin and viola sectionals and chamber music for the Longwood Symphony, Brandeis University, Wellesley College, the Greater Boston Youth Symphonies and the USM Youth Ensembles. She has adjudicated auditions for the New England Conservatory Youth Orchestras and for Maine District Festivals. Ms. Lehmann has also performed solo works with the Portland Chamber Orchestra, the North Shore Philharmonic Orchestra, the Salem Philharmonic, Longy School of Music and Maine Pro Musica.
Robert Lehmann is Professor of Music and Director of String Studies and Orchestral Activities at the University of Southern Maine School of Music, where he conducts the Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra and the Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra. In addition to his duties at USM, he is Music Director of the North Shore Philharmonic Orchestra, the Maine State Ballet Orchestra and the White Mountain Bach Festival in New Hampshire.
He holds degrees in Violin Performance from the University of the Pacific, the Eastman School and Boston University, and has been a fellow at the American Academy of Conducting at the Aspen Festival and at the Conductors Institute at Bard College.
Dr. Lehmann has concertized as violinist and conductor in his native Mexico, throughout the US and Puerto Rico, and in Europe and Ukraine. He has been a frequent guest conductor with the Portland Symphony and Portland Ballet and has conducted All-State and Festival Orchestras from Maine to California and Hawaii. He has also been an adjudicator the National Orchestra Festival at the ASTA National Convention.
Prior to his appointment at USM, he was Music Director of the Mozart Society Orchestra at Harvard and on the conducting staff of the Greater Boston and the Empire State Youth Orchestras. He is concertmaster of Opera Maine and Choral Art, is in demand as a performer, conductor, teacher and adjudicator and is listed in Who's Who in American Music. His CD, “Chamber Music for Strings by Manuel M. Ponce” was issued by Centaur Records in 2009. He has given numerous word premieres including Elliot Schwartz's' "Concerto VI: Mr. Jefferson" and Portland Ballet’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. His 2012 performance of Mahler's Third Symphony was named the top performance event of the Portland concert season by the Portland Press Herald.